6 Mart 2011 Pazar

Facts about the world

• Heat the coldest place on earth, Antarctica with an average of -54 degrees. The hottest place in Africa, Ethiopia, the average temperature is 34 degrees.
• The dry desert of Chile Atacama Desert is the driest regions yağmamıştır.Diğer çöldür.Bazı places does not rain for 400 years never move.
• The longest river in Africa to the world's longest river, the Nile. This is the length of the river is 6,600 km.
• The high cliff ünyanın highest cliff on the north coast of the island of Hawaii, Iceland, to reach some 1005 bulunur.Burada height. This amount corresponds to 275-fold gökdelenle.
Still growing: the Atlantic, the world's second-largest ocean, and still grow up to 4 cm in büyümektedir.Her year and this is gradually shifting from Europe and America apart.
• China's first loss of the earthquake disaster zone, 830,000 people died in sıradadır.1556 an earthquake.
• Gold Mine, the world's seas in this highly Gold bulunur.Eğer quantities of gold to anyone in the world, all dağıtabilseydi removed, it would be a weight may be raised altınımız.

• The largest of the largest mortar hayvanünyadaki blue balinadır.Yetişkinlerin is achieved length 34 m, weight 190 tons.
• flying mammals: the only flying mammal, a large bat flying yarasadır.En tilkidir.Kanatlarının length 183cm'dir
• Fastest: The fastest of all mammals çitalardır.Hızları 115km'ye can be up to an hour.
• The world's most poisonous Cobra zehirlieniz yılandır.Zehiri yılanınkinden hundred times stronger than normal.


Are you hungry? £ 30,000 meal in your life is equal to the weight of the elephant yersiniz.Buda 6th
Swallow it: ingested food that your body takes the lead of a car length up to 3.5 meters.
Hair: the longest hair in a rahibindi.1949 Hint'li Known as the last of her hair 8metre ölçüldü.Yani 13 times longer than your arm.
Heat: die, the normal temperature of 25 degrees 37 derecedir.Eğer temperature drops.

Do you believe this?

X-ray eyes: 1930, a claim that New York can, to see without eyes, without having to prove to the heavy traffic etmişti.İddiasını that they do not know how the bike do sürdü.Hiçbir çarpmadı.Kimse place.
Large Load: Great Pyramid in Egypt have been built for 30 years a height of 3 feet around the wall in France edilmiştir.Kullanılan stones.
Miracle: A German pilot in 1930, aircraft atladı.Bir geçti.Bunun ice storm through the cloud so thick that when the pilot who's never kaplandı

many as a result of climate change

many as a result of climate change

Experts, many the result of climate change is now 'can not be corrected! this point, said global warming was not possible removal of the third millennium.

WASHINGTON - The U.S. National Academy of Sciences climate scientist Susan Solomon, "The people have the introduction of carbon dioxide emissions, the climate 100 years ago stopped thinking that I normally back within 200 years, that's not true," he said.

Solomon, an international team of climate change, "changed" on the outcome of the report prepared by the lead author. Research report published today in the journal National Academy of Sciences.

"Climate change is slow, but it is not to stop," which says that Solomon, the long-term impact will be even worse, pointed to the need for action as soon as possible to avoid.

Susan Solomon, the least a thousand years, the effect of carbon emissions continue, even if the changes durdurulsa "changed", as described.

Alan Robock Rutgers University Center of Environmental Forecasts were prepared in the evaluation of the report by the Solomon-led international research team, said the impact of climate change, "chimneys from the air, clearing the resulting air pollution, unlike in a few days" he said.

International Panel on Climate Change and the leaders of the world's foremost experts in the art of Solomon, the report concluded that global temperature and the Mediterranean, Africa and North America, southwest of the observed changes in precipitation recorded images.

The researchers also report a hot climate, the expansion of the oceans, and also because of melting ice in Greenland and Antaktika'da be noted that the water of the ocean, caused an increase.

Yavaşlatıldığını by the oceans, global warming, as the large amount of energy absorbed from the seas to warm up the Solomon noted that although this is not a good effect is in the long run, global warming, even warmed the oceans, the release of stored energy in the air, he said increase.

Climate change, to detect the heat from solar radiation increases the temperature of the küremizin (greenhouse effect) has the effect of atmospheric gases. Remained in the air for hundreds of years of carbon dioxide is one of the gases that create this effect.

Solomon, the other half of the gases responsible for global warming, although they quickly said kaybolduklarını.

280 million units of carbon dioxide before the industrial revolution consisted of küremizin air (280 ppm), this value still increased 385 ppm.

Solomon's report was prepared under the chairmanship when the amount of carbon dioxide in the air 450-600 ppm may rise, they warned lead to permanent declines in dry season rainfall rates were.

Experts, will reach some of the consequences of climate change are already with an irreversible point in the future to avoid face to face worse public opinion and politicians say the measures should be undertaken as soon as possible.