28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi

Earth (Ground)

Earth (Ground)

Distance from sun: 147.2 149.6 152 million km
Orbital dışmerkezlilik: 0,017
Inclination: 23.4 0
Axis inclination: 0 0
Diameter: 12,753 km
Survival rate: 11.2 km / sec
Mass: 1
Band: 1
Density: 5:52 (water = 1)
The highest amount:
Circulation Period: 365.2 days
Axial rotation: 23 h 56 min
Lunation period:

Satellites: 1

Prepare a generic page about the solar system, Earth, and how to put on an attitude that does not set easy to determine. It is actually a normal planet, but we, we were living in an exceptional situation, we have it. But this, too, geophysicists scientists sky a topic of interest. So here I only have a meaning in view of the science of the sky would be best to think of situations that restriction.

Earth's orbit in no exception. Earth average distance of 149,597,000 miles from the sun, the sun is the distribution period 3651 / 4 days, the web speed of 29.8 kilometers per second, 107,000 km per hour. The path of the earth around the sun is not a perfect circle, January perihelion, we get the points on July günöte. But the seasons, changing the distance (152 million km 147 200 000 km) is not inclined to the orbital plane of Earth's axis of 231 / 2 degree, are revealed. Other planets Mars, Saturn and Neptune-axis is curved in a manner similar to ours. Jupiter and Mercury in almost dimdiktirler. Venus, a little strange, as I mentioned earlier, we believe the opposite direction. Uranus is still strange, because the curvature is ninety degrees.

The world in terms of size and density in the same manner özelliksizdir. 12 757 kilometreyken diameter of the equator, on the basis of the polar diameter measured 12,714 miles. This is not just a sphere, the pole a little flat. This Mars'ınkinden kurtosis less, but Mercury and Venüs'ünkilerden are many. Specific gravity 5.5 "tour, so the world with him for the same volume of 5.5 times heavier than water. Venus and Mars from Earth than the low yoğunluktayken Mercury is almost the same.

Only one issue is unique in the world. Which has a relatively large satellite, it is the smallest planet. (Not to mention Pluto and Charon companion is a planet, because Pluto is not as complete.) I see it as the planet Earth Month unit pair. A light source that illuminates at night aside, gelgitlerinin the moon, the main author of the ocean. Moon's gravitational force of the earth turns, the rise of the water will cause swelling, this swelling is the other side of the world. This swelling does not rotate together with the world and still stay under the moon. Two are swelling, which occurs at a point on the earth tide twice a day, that appear to walk the earth twice a day, swelling. In real life the situation is more complicated. Sun also has a strong influence on the world of creative flood. Moments of suffering the same direction as the sun and the moon (ie new moon and full moon), tides are the most powerful times. This flood adlndırılan as big tides, although there is nothing wrong with the seasons of spring is also called spring tides. Most are low tides and small tides are called half months.

Had the other planets, ocean, tidal life would be different than ours. There is not a satellite of Venus, a hypothetical in the seas of Mars, Mars, and distant from the sun and the two small satellites Phobos and Demios weak to cause the flood, as it remains quiet and motionless. In fact, these small satellites, two asteroids captured by Mars thought long ago. Where possible, the world's smallest moons yet farkedemediğimiz?

The second satellite has been used for the idea. Even Jules Verne, the famous novel, Journey to the Moon in this idea. Another satellite, the novel in terms of history was necessary because the satellite people, by multiplying by the missile had withdrawn their routes to throw a rocket round the earth revolved around the moon. However, if there is a small satellite is very small. World to reflect the strength or "albedo'su (whiteness) (ie, forty percent), 40 km in diameter of a satellite, the moon away from us, as many stars as Orion'daki Betelgeux, bright görüncektir ancient times that there duumda as we know it. 3 million miles in diameter is 40 km away, even if an object can be seen with the naked eye. binoculars with a diameter of 20 km, easily recognizable in the same place. 1.5 kilometers diameter of the ball of the ball even when the satellite is a medium-sized telescope to show him, millions of miles away from. This also means that if you varolsaydı farkedilirdi very long time ago. So if you have uydumuz result in a little tiny and probably not simply the misshapen be bircisimden.

Explorer Pluto Clyde Tombaugh, a very short time after the end of the war, carried out with a long and systematic study seeks for a satellite with small vehicles, mirroring function of an object the size of a football removed thousands of miles used look, if not in a position to recognize kapasitedeydi. In this case, removed an object 15,000 km from the belirlenebilirdi 3 meters wide. But could not find anything.

Some time ago an interesting hypothesis about Toro asteroid was introduced No 1685th Toro, may be up to 10 kilometers in diameter, 8 August 1972, 21 million km from Earth at a distance rather than close uzağımızdan to be shared. Was not very different from Earth's orbit and came away with the regular time intervals. So now the media claims that he was in the direction of the earth was a satellite. However, could such a thing not in question; Toro asteroitti very normal.

Also formed in the same orbit, but a month before the Moon 60 degrees, 60 degrees and the other revolves around the earth with the rest of meteor particles had thought that there might be occasional clouds. These fixed points, it is called in memory of the great mathematician Lagrange French. Such a thing was impossible, and the Polish astronomer K. Kordylewski, claimed he could see the clouds. But even if u varlarsa density clouds are very low.

Interplanetary matter in the bright sky in the form of light known as a counter-bill, showing the bushes. Horoscopes Light involvement extends beyond the suite, but a little before or shortly after sunrise or sunset can be seen for a short time. To brighter there than the brightest parts of the Milky Way there times moderate. In this situation, the main plane of the solar system leads to the spread around the particles. The average size of these particles is about 1-2 microns. (A micron is one millionth of a meter.). Horoscopes light, the commitment of the entire department expanded, agency participation is perpendicular to the horizon, in other words, February / March and September / October, a good way.

Gegenschein'ı is very difficult to understand. Sun in the sky opposite to the direction of illumination considered to be weak. Dolunay'ın may take up to forty times the diameter of the largest case. German to English Counterglow the name (in Turkish Karşıgün) has been translated. This is the reason for the incident interplanetary matter.

Meteors are in the landfill, which is zannedilir of the stars and planets floating rate. But the reality is not the case. In fact, meteorites, comets traces they leave behind. The world will pass through such permission is the result of a meteor shower.

Some meteor showers each year lived. The most spectacular, what yağmurudur in the first days of August the Perseids. This name comes from the region such as the constellation Perseus meteor anılmasının görünmeleridir reason. This situation led to the complete orbit of the comet Swift-Tuttle 130 years. The most recent was in 1992, close to the earth. If decay, the upper layers of the atmosphere of a meteor burning in the atmosphere as a result of friction between the particles. Of course, not a meteorite, shooting star is not dense enough to make the air not the heat of friction as a result viewed. In addition, 70 kilometers per second at a speed that will not change anything. Akan stars usually visible yukarıdayken 190 km above sea level and 65 kilometers were burning up to fall. If they complete the journey to Earth has become a good quality dust. Known meteorite rains occasionally in other akanyıldızlar seen from any direction and there is also, they are not all known comets stars.

The weather is not moving on the moon star, because there is nothing that would cause the friction, the object glow. Venus is not without reason, more than a meteor. seen When you see the star fall or sit at home or in akanyıldızların have very often go to Mars.

Stones in the sky, which is quite different from meteorites. Tailed meteors or stars in the young generation of the planet have no connections to a akanyıldızlarla. Can to a large meteor is a small asteroid. Create a crater where a meteorite falls.

There are many more people saw the meteorite fall. But on the eve of Christmas of 1965, meteors Barwell England traveled across the sky over parts of Leicestershire lot of people who have the deployment before. More recently, the journey is still followed by many stone fragments Bovedy sky fell a great part of the sea part of Ireland was found in Northern Ireland. 5. May 1991, Cambridgeshire in the last British meteorite was found near the Glatton'da. This is a tiny meteorite with a weight of 767 grams of interest up to 20 meters from the garden with flowers, was Mr. Pettifor'dan. We have not injured or died after hit by meteorites. But a fact that several people escaped.

Many of the museum has a collection of meteorites. But you want to see was still holding the record for the heaviest meteor bulunduranı, should the Hoba West near Grootfontein in South Africa to go to the farm where the meteorite was still prehistoric times have fallen. Total weight of more than sixty tons, they dare, because they transport a very open person.

Space Age, before we get out of a single substance göktaşlarıydı world. Although there are many sub-groups are the distinction between two types of stone and iron, which show divided. Mars or the moon have fallen a few meteors on the earth as a result of explosions, severed parts of them in the direction plduğu something I look with my suspicion is there. In fact, I said that Sir Fred Hoyle'ün to Earth on a meteorite theory of life bakmıorum very hot. Yes, life is the emergence of the mystery, but it brings more problems with me when the meteorite theory be solved.

Now we look at our atmosphere very different interplanetary matter. As you know, overly complex terminology, the question of the many layers of the atmosphere, the situation I intend to simplify only use the basic concepts.

Nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%): The atmosphere is composed mainly of two gases. In addition, composition, although a small amount of argon and other gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor amounts are variable. No other planet in the solar system does not have an atmosphere similar to ours. Saturn's largest moon, Titan atmosferinitrojn rich, but most of the rest of the section creating methane is almost no free oxygen.

The lowest layer of the atmosphere as the troposphere known. The thickness of the troposphere varies 8-18 km. Sad thickness varies with latitude, the thickest region of the equator. Here is the normal bulutlarımızın and our air. Temperature decreases with increasing altitude, the upper part of the troposphere santigrat'a -44 (-80F) seen to fall. Of course, this high density is very low.

There are high and range from 48 km on the troposphere, stratosphere. A surprising contrast to the increase in temperature continues to drop etmeyip rising up to end the top of the layer santigrat'a +15 (60 F). The reason for this is a special form of oxygen in the presence of ozone. Ozone is a molecule of oxygen atoms instead of the usual three oxygen atoms (O3) is composed. Short-wave radiation emitted from the sun heats the ozone layer and stratospheric temperatures to fall further. Only in this way we understand the scientific meaning of temperature miss the temperature difference between the evaluations not. moving temperature of the atoms and molecules depends on the movements sıcaklıkartar faster. However, the stratosphere, such small molecules has remained the heat can be neglected. Here we explain the situation with a metaphor. Sparks fireworks overhead is very hot, but the masses, they are so small that they hold no damage to your hands (in other words, only a red piece of iron at a lower temperature can be said than, but it would not recommend keeping your hand).

A generalization, the lower edges of the light with sharp lines, 95 km above sea begins and reaches up to 110 kilometers. The upper limit of normal is 300 kilometers, but also to have exceptionally 965kilometreye. Aurora comes in a variety of performances, just as easily be seen, beam, belt, fan, image formats, such as in the will as in a scintillation arc. Vivid colors and movement is also possible that in a structure. Watch your eyes the best tool to use. During the pause was heard with a sharp smell in the light tones and have some claims, but I should mention that I doubt, as usual with such claims probably do not come close, and what the noise could still smell.

Mercury and the Moon seen the northern lights. But we have no evidence that Mars can not see any `. As with the Venus is there a connection between the Ashen Light seems to have auroras. Giant gezegenlerdeyse strong auroras can be found. However, Uranus and Neptün'deki shows great light, the planets closer to the equator, much gördüğümüzşekliyle poles. This question two magnetic axes of the planetary rotation axes between the occurrence of an excessive tendency stems.

The outer part of the atmosphere on the ionosphere, the egzozfer. However, there is an upper limit determined by egzozferin reached, the intensity is not going up or down, where it interplanetary more general than the average atmospheric. Egzosferin collision gas in the upper part is composed of atoms and molecules, neighbors, namely collision orbits around the earth continues to exist in a peaceful manner.

Now some of the world `s talk magnetosphere, the region as the strongest magnetic field can be defined. Region in the form of droplets from the Sun than the pointed end toward the side of this field is extended söylenebilcek. facing the upper limit of the Sun `s` s magnetosphere side of the world extends up to 64,000 miles from the darker side, much further. "The sun is called solar winds are a constant stream of particles. Solar wind with Earth's magnetic field when confronted by these particles cause a shock wave olşmasına.

In the magnetosphere, which are so-called Van Allen belts two intense radiation zone. The names of the generations that have made possible the discovery of an American scientist James Van Allen of received. Launched on 1 February 1958 "in the assets of these generations and America's first successful artificial satellite, Explorer 1 was in the conveyed through. There are two belts, the first begins with the lower limit of 8000 kilometers, the second extends to 37,000 kilometers. composed mainly of protons close to the surface in the lower generation of Brazilian coast. The reason is that a balance between the Earth's magnetic field and the rotation axis. This is called the South Atlantic anomaly, creates artificial satellite in relation to the technical material is dangerous. This region is sensitive to the other vehicles in the long-term results in several problems.

The presence of the world `s magnetic field, based on the movement of the iron-rich core. However, we want to understand it until we can not say anlayabildiğimizi. But at least the magnetic fields of other planets can be compared. As far as we know it today, you can say "the moon and Venus, in` the magnetic field, such as the Van Allen belts, no If you have such a field in `Mars is also very weak What are the major planets.. all of them a strong magnet investigated gibidirler.Jüpiter, the planetary radiation fields to prevent round-the discovery of a manned spacecraft for a journey that is strong enough. This is a good target in many respects can be considered irrelevant detects a serious threat " to Jupiter.

What we know about the inner parts of the world `s most of the waves caused by seismic vibrations öğrenmişizdir test. This is not always appropriate to give the details of this problem, but we are in two types of earthquake waves I want to mention briefly interested. ilerleyebilirken The first part of the liquid ilerleyemez.Çekirdeğin measured in a liquid other ilerleyebilirken other studies out by being taken into the second type of wave, stopped where.

The average thickness of 10 km below the earth's crust, the oceans, continents, this number is below 50 kilometers. In the earth's crust, from 2850 km to the mass of the Earth's mantle, 67% are. "Usually forming the seabed material coats the molten volcanic basalt ağızlarınçevresinde in shape. If under the shell of the core, liquid and solid consisting of two parts . the solid part of the kernel inside the center of the world `s temperature is about 4000 degrees Celsius (7000 F), very much the height of the other inner planets, or a temperature not seen in months..

Geology can be very important, information about the history of the world. "Ignored in doubt about the age is. There is no atmosphere and the first of the inner part of the world" We think the gases and steam creates the atmosphere of today. The most primitive form of life may be allowed a period in world history taken into consideration early on, probably began in the oceans. Very rich in terms of atmospheric carbon dioxide Başlangıçtayeni. Başlamasıile live on land plants, has this situation changed extensively. Plants in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide used in the process called photosynthesis, releasing oxygen and is free. We live in a time machine to the past of the Cambrian period 500 million years old, drowned as `s go gönderebilsek.

World interglacials regularly there. This situation remains a plausible explanation. The latter is up to 10,000 years ago, this glacier is to be done there is no doubt about çağlarının learn in the future. The effects of small planet, the Earth `s orbit with many questions that have been suggested by changes in the theories. However, take into account everything that we think we see that the work must be "in the sun. After all, the sun is a variable star.

As the Apollo astronauts of the world `s looked like the moon has a magnificent view. Thick clouds of Venus from the surface of the earth `t see the impossible. But just above the clouds of Venus arrivals bakılabilse world (6.5 seconds size of the angle) as first-magnitude star is a very impressive picture. Mars, the diagnosis of type moon phases undergo an inner planet is seen as very moving. Mars, the diagnosis of "the world we have seen in terms of movements similar to Venus. World` t have problems, observers see on Jupiter. The brightness of the sun in the world outside bakıldığındaysa more planets are destroyed. An insignificant position in the solar system is very open, but he is our planet, our home, also in full to us.

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