28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi

Age of the Earth The age of the rocks in the earth age can not be measured directly. Even the oldest known rocks on earth that does not exist no long

Age of the Earth

The age of the rocks in the earth age can not be measured directly. Even the oldest known rocks on earth that does not exist no longer the rocks older than we know exist. The oldest rocks have been discovered west of Greenland and found 4100000000 years old. Means that there is more than the earth age.

Today in the age of the world the best method to calculate the radioactive elements from the other elements as a result yarılanmaları conversions. For example, the radioactive element uranium, uranium-238 and uranium-235 atoms, such as two different types (isotopes) are available. This is a very slow process, both atoms into lead atoms. The other uranium isotope uranium-238 is a bit heavier than the recycling of lead-206 is a lighter isotope of lead, a heavy isotope of uranium a little more in-234'in recycling of lead-207 atoms are formed. Transformation of uranium-235 shot six times higher than the rate of conversion of uranium-238. Thus, the rock will be analyzed for lead and lead-206 vary-207 atoms depending on the age of the rock. The oceans are the oldest of today with a bullet in the mineral structure of the difference between the isotope of lead, but to explain the 4.55 billion-year period between two such events. This period can be considered as the age of the earth. To calculate the age of the oldest rocks in the process of converting the radioactive rubidium stronsiyuma can be taken as the basic time scale. As a result, our world will be accepted about 5500000000 years. (Quoted)

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