28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi

According to the Islamic understanding of "al-Hayâtü'd-world interpretation of the concept of forms

Islim Islam, there is a distinction between this world and the hereafter. These two concepts complement each other. Koran world, short and temporary, the burden of the long and endless means. Life in this world, has never been regarded as worthless.
AD 10 th century and later in the Islamic world in the hereafter mesabesinde much profit the world began kötülenmeye. This is because the following factors: the effect of Christianity, the Sultanate authorities, the things in this world is empty and a fatalistic sense of mysticism.
Bakılarsa objective, in this world, according to Islam itself is not bad. The bad thing is this world the wealth of attractive aldanıp forget the hereafter.

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