28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi

Do you know this?

Fingerprints ...
Two different people probably exactly the same fingerprints are 1 ppb to 50. It is regarded as scientific.
EYE ...
can distinguish the color of a healthy human eye, about 8 million.

Kangaroos ...

Kangaroos around 45 miles per hour and can move quickly to a height of 7.5 m. jump

AT ...
Taught in a few numbers by the owner of a horse was given to the court in 1601 and his body burned alive in the entry for the devil.

Opium, of physicians in the Army during the American Civil War soldiers, will be used as a painkiller ... Rack. 100,000 American soldiers have become after the war was addicted to opium.

Russia used to be one of the toprakmış ALASKA.Alaska. U.S. $ 7,200,000 of this region, despite the external threats to Russia from ... purchased. To make it with very little money, now, .. Alaska America's largest oil and gas resources in the hands

Slavery ...
Slavery ended a reply, as I beat haykıranlara Human Hakları'ndan: World over there still 27 million slaves.

The head of a man cutting up to 15-20 seconds yaşayabiliyormuş.Fransa "head to the guillotine cut it for a while ... deletes görebiliyorlarmış headless bodies.

Nepal's capital Kathmandu, killing the cows, humans, killing a crime equivalent to: d in this country with the cows dying appointed time

An ostrich brain is larger than the eye.

Sharks can go top speed of 72 kilometers per hour.

Some snakes also listen to the sounds of the language.

Crocodiles make ısırdıkları kopartabilmek track on its own.

A normal person to sleep watching TV, burns more calories burned.

Concrete is more robust human hip bone.

The birds heard from time to time slots, but sleep elsewhere.

So far, two major bodies that could destroy the world is hit directly by a city. 1908 The first t ... In fact, the other fell in Siberia in 1947. Both were not hurt in the crash, even a single person.

Between Zanzibar and England in the shortest war in history occurred in 1989 and took only 45 minutes

Bowling for the first time in 1862, has been found

Every minute somewhere in the world experienced two low-intensity earthquakes.

Allow you to swallow the nest again until 2 years of a slot. During this time, sleep on their wings, mate and even fed.

More than half of the total 206 bones in the human body are the hands and feet.

There are no fish ears, but their bodies feel sound waves hear some genera.

View satellite images, has moved scientists in America to Los Angeles to the east of the country every year up to half an inch çıkartmışlardır.

23. February 2011Tüm-time opera composer, as the largest and most successful Giusseppe Verdi, known Mil ... ano Conservatory entrance exam could not be successful and do not receive music education.

Living as 800 meters below the sea surface and the eyes of the fish there.

Cairo has the "Great Pyramid" of the two and a half million blocks taken place with a weight of 12 tons, the day ... also on the block down in the construction will take 664 years, the pyramid in the past Meridian land and sea fully equal to ik

The tail of a scorpion and kıskaçlarına see how much is enough to understand that he was poisoned. Kuyr ... UGU longer, thicker and more poisonous scorpions with small clamps.

Coffee, to her husband of a woman in Saudi Arabia, is considered as a cause of divorce.

A shark in the sea water drops of 100 million, a drop of blood may be different.

The title of the world's largest structure for eight centuries in the hands of Al-Gizadaki Great Pyramid ... bulundurmuş 147 meters height. Total of 2.3 million stone blocks pyramid was using the total weight of the 6 million tons.edilen piramitin toplam ağırlığı 6 milyon tondur.

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