28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi

Dinosaurs and extraterrestrial life (theory) alevforum dinosaurs and alien life

NEVER think? We existed before the people, life in space! Of course there were certain we do not know they exist, but the assets of thousands of years before our technology, technology that they have no doubt more than a gerçekBilim zorlanmadıklarıda trip yokGezegenler last time the men on the galactic (Milky Way are us), thousands of Earth-like you had decided that the planet, but the technology is not enough gitemeyeAncak this planet that can speed of light vehicles intelligent beings on this planet that we gidebilirKi başardıİşte as a UFO, it starts here, my theory Dinosaur unique advantages, they can not be terminated in this way, so I'd technology so advanced (alien creatures) are in place, you might not have that kind of taşırdımbiz another planet, but they know that their human giderNe Götürebildiklerini not carry his son took us to the stink, götüremediklerinide yokettilerKi sürdürebilsin the lives of people in the world (quotes)

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