28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi


Third place in relation to the proximity of the sun in the distance between Earth and the Sun about 1.5 x 108 km. And this distance to 1 AU. (Astronomical Unit) is regarded as his. Sun around the time of circulation, 365.25 days, the web speed of 2.98 kilometers per second, ie the average 107,000 km per hour. The path of the Earth around the Sun is not a circle. World in January, the nearest distance from the sun, while in July, is a long way off. But from a distance, since the change of seasons, but the orbital plane of Earth's axis tilted by 23.5 degrees occur due. Other planets Mars, Saturn and Neptune axis is curved similar to ours.
While the polar diameter of the equatorial diameter of 12,714 km to 12,757 km earth. Not exactly the poles of a sphere, the somewhat flat world. To this form is called the geoid. Soil density 5.5 kg/m3 and roll.
One of the main features of the earth that the other planets, satellites, months off. Because of a large satellite with a relatively small planet Earth. Besides being a source of light in the night, the main author of the ocean tide gitlerinin months.
40% of the light reflected back to Earth from the Sun. This is because of the atmosphere to us is the presence of harmful radiation and protects meteorlardan. The atmosphere consists mainly of two different gases is. 78% nitrogen (N) and oxygen by 21%, even if a small amount of other gases such as argon and carbon dioxide and water vapor are also available. This allows shared his life on other planets in the solar system into the atmosphere and the world.
The lowest layer of the atmosphere as the troposphere known. The thickness of the troposphere varies 8-18 km. Ekvatordur region is the thickest. Normally, this layer is in the clouds and the air we breathe, is located. This layer, the temperature soaring. The upper layers of the troposphere temperature -44 ° C until the autumn.
There are high and range from 48 km on the troposphere, stratosphere. This level is expected to reduce the upward movement with increasing temperature and vice versa. Temperature 15 ° C in the upper part of the layer to end up. This is because the presence of the ozone layer.
There are hundreds of miles along the ionosphere above the stratosphere. Shield against cosmic radiation and meteorite burning in the ionosphere acts as a layer. The fact rays from the atomic particles from outer space and continuously in all respects. Layers of the ionosphere on radio waves reflected back to the ground also proves conclusively that communication. Auroras (northern or southern lights) from this layer. They are reached by charged particles from the Sun formed us. These particles, atoms and molecules in a collision of light form the upper parts of the atmosphere.
In the ionosphere above the upper layer of the atmosphere are the egzozfer. Egzozferin not yet reached an upper limit has been set. Collision gas in the upper part consists of Egzozferin.
When we talk about the magnetosphere of the Earth is the strongest magnetic field: This field can be said, extends in the form of drip sizvri end opposite from the sun are. confronted by the sun, streams continuous particles (solar wind), when a shock wave that the magnetic field of the earth form. In the magnetosphere, which are so-called Van Allen belts two intense radiation zone. American scientist James Van Allen was named. These are the first successful American satellite artificial measure to 1 February 1958, was discovered by Explorer 1 launched. There are two generations. 8000 km boundary starts at the bottom of the first and the second extends up to 37,000 km. Consisting mainly of the lower production of protons, which come close to the earth's surface off the coast of Brazil. The reason is that a balance between the Earth's magnetic drum with the axis of rotation. This is called the South Atlantic Anomaly, artificial satellites pose a threat to the technical material. The presence of the geomagnetic field is a result of its movement in iron-rich core.
Consists of three layers: the inner structure of the world. And it is to live in the outer shell of these layers, which is convenient. Contains over the life of all living things, the average thickness of this layer is about 30 km. Just under the mantle of the shell to the core layer is continuing. Is descending to a depth of 5100 km near the outer part of the mantle layer of brittle rock. The center of the world is about 5000 ° C mantle near the core section of molten rock is. The mantle layer of the pressure by increasing melting points of iron and magnesium are found in the solid state. 90% of the world is the central core of liquid iron. This is because the ATM core, about 3 million under the pressure of the iron melting point 8000 ° C, the low temperature of the core may explain cave.
Kernel with the currents of molten iron clothes from dynamo effect generated form the Earth's magnetic field. Earth's surface extending to a height of 100 km above the magnetic field start over 6500km. In recent years, with the data from the magnetic field in the world receive as a shield to protect the surface of the heat, and so were the risks.

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