2. The rotation of the earth around the sun (Annual Action)
World, a daily rotation about its own axis while on the one hand moves around the sun. World, an elliptical orbit around the sun completes the rotation to 365 days 6 hours. There is 1 year.
World, 939 million km orbit 108,000 miles on the odometer. moves quickly.,
The distance from the sun, the earth is not fixed. Sometimes it is approached, and sometimes goes away. Because the Earth's orbit is elliptical. The sun, the earth is closest to the date of 3 perihelion is January (perihelion) is called. In the history of the Earth on 4 July is the most is called by the sun Afel (Günöte).
A move away from the sun approached the earth, a significant impact on the distribution of the temperature of the earth. The most important factor for the distribution of temperature, the degree of incidence of sunlight.
Ground speed is not fixed. Speed, on winter solstice, when reduced to günöte. As a result;
- Seasons are different.
- September equinox occurs delayed two days.
- Less than two days of February.
Results of the Earth's rotation around the sun
• the formation of the seasons and the change will come.
• Seasonal temperature changes occur.
• consists of temperature differences between land and sea.
• monsoon winds occur.
• The night - and day length changes.
• the birth place and time with the sun on the horizon are different, the sun on the horizon at sunset, and hours.
• angle of the sun's rays fall on the earth changes.
• Shadow of the objects vary in length.
• changes in the seasonal cycle of the Enlightenment.
• The sun's rays throughout the year dönencelere once, twice, between the steep falls turning circle.
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