28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi

Universe and the CONCEPT OF 2

Latitude and Longitude

Saptamağa a point on the earth for a set or class actions.

World, at both ends, is presented that the poles of a sphere slightly flattened shape *. To determine the location, anywhere on this globe, ball, was the so-called parallel and the meridian of the division of thought imaginary Rings: The intersections of these circles can play an important role in the determination.


Equatorial Earth, Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere and an imaginary circle that separates the two equal parts. Parallels, the equatorial plane of the "parallel" suites. * 111 miles away from the flats parallel to each other, the length is not equal to the world is spherical. This parallels the length of the largest of the equator 40,076 km, reduced to zero by one point at the poles of the parallels. 90 on the north, parallel to the south it is 90th These are the zero profit on the equator and the poles to 90 degrees latitude ölçmeğe. For example, Sinop 42 degrees north latitude and is located between the equator and the North Pole and half run down.

Meridians and LONG

If the Poles to me * ridyenleri are the last apartments. Their length does not change and the environment almost equal to the equator. The distance between them is near the equator and the poles are different.

Meridians, longitude ölçmeğe benefit. To this end, the United Kingdom, the famous observatory since the meridian of Greenwich was last. * More than zero degrees longitude from Greenwich Meridian. Westward and eastward 0-180 in the other meridians that are still a number from 0 to 180th

To mark a point

In the middle of the ocean is a place for a sailor to understand what time can not be determined. Using a sextant, noon to determine, for measuring the height of the sun on the horizon, the latitude. To find length again at noon, looking in particular set to the stopwatch, the time of the meridian. 15 degrees means an hours difference. For example, if the account s * 40 degrees north latitude and 20 degrees east longitude shows a sailor in the Atlantic off Portugal, up to 900 miles from the coast, which would be learned.

Today this is a very old technique, the location, so that more and more common methods for measuring radyoelektrik.

Earthquake and Astronomy

Anatolian scholars Thales, on astronomical calculations to calculate eclipses and the first person they thought their content related to earthquakes. The observatory found in Mesopotamia, also known as Aristotle's nephew, known here in the form of solar and lunar eclipses by request.

Thales to bind eclipse event, this question can play as an important role in the prophecies. Thales and has kept records of the events of his time, studied astronomy and a great earthquake in Anatolia occur given prior notice.

According to the calculations, a full month after the 23.5 months after a full solar eclipse occurs Eclipse. We must keep the same area about 54 years for a full solar eclipse happen again undergo. Therefore, every third solar eclipse, ie between the 54-year period, usually less than two solar eclipses and boylamlara rastlayacaktır different widths.

A retention period begins in the northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere ends with partial eclipses. to the power of great shots of the eclipse to be effective in the formation of regions and the locations of earthquakes in the formation of weak layers is inevitable.

should constitute a significant earthquake damage is a real trigger for the formation of the Moon. For this month, especially energy concentration points of the zodiac, or "Cosmic Power Points," cried one of the towers should be fixed. Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Kova'dır.

Trigger towers last of the moon, planets and other burçlardaki "View Rotation" is the journey called the 30-degree angle is very important. If you are here all the planets with the hard angles of an earthquake will cause major damage. For example, solid towers of the month Boğa'ya input generations rotation of 30 degrees with a positive angle of some planets, some of the triggers occur if the problem with the hard angles.

Formation of the Moon

Earth's satellite, the moon, an asteroid the size of Mars collided with Earth is proposed to be the result. Researchers Robin Canup Southwest Research Institute in Colorado, "the new recreations advanced computer technology and the revised faydanılarak previous recoveries, the mass of Mars to Earth and hit an object, that's enough to make both of your shows now," he said.

Scientists say the moon between the force of gravity on Earth or Earth and Moon formed simultaneously caught that error the other theories.

On the other hand, first the theory of Mars-sized asteroid Harvard researchers, Al Cameron, Canup'un canlandırmasının not complete the formation of the first collision and the collision of the material covers a lot of stones is not a hard-rock takes on reports. Cameron, the time of the collision on the moon are not quite as Canup'un know, only 3 / 2 'formed of them said.


The depths of the earth, with a layer of heavy metals. This is "ağırküre" also called. At the lithosphere (crust) is available. Here are the Earth's core. Barisferi constituent metals, iron-nickel mixture. This layer of each santimetrekaresi among thousands of tons of pressure. Temperature in the thousands of degrees.

The nearest stars

An ordinary star to the Sun. Although slightly above average in terms of mass and radiation power of brilliant, massive stars will remain by some paleface. Some stars may be several times the mass of the mass of the sun, but the nearest stars are bazılarınınki usually 100 times the mass of the Sun's mass is about one-third. The stars can sometimes occur in pairs. In this case the mutual gravitational forces is determined orbit each other, the movements of the stars. This is a direct measure of the mutual dance enables astronomers binary stars masses.

Alone in the stellar masses and colors by observing the radiation power measured in an indirect manner. Very sensitive to the mass of a star depends on the radiated power: the power of the radiation is in the middle of the 10 times the mass increases folded. With increasing temperature, the power of the star's radiation. Stars in an oven or near-perfect black body looks like. Shorter wavelengths by the characteristic black body temperature increases, temperature decreases, emits a wavelength longer receives. For this reason, hot black bodies, blue, cold, dark objects in the color red. In general, the wavelength of the emitted radiation is a measure of the black body temperature. Astronomers have discovered the color temperature of a star, or in other words, the acquisition of the spectrum of light meters. The stars are to some degree, the ideal emitter, we can look for the star's size and color to understand the power of the radiation: radiation power is high, a huge, hot and blue, weak, cool ones and a red dwarf.

There are examples of each class of color and brightness of stars in the vicinity. Most of the stars of this review, we get close to what we know about the stars. Nearby stars are relatively bright, astronomers sometimes even their chemical structures and sizes and can obtain detailed information about the masses. In addition to say a few hundreds of stars near our Sun are talking about another star. Some of these stars in size, a few thousand times larger than the red giant sun, others are still a few thousand white times in size, small cücelerdir that All these stars are close to the mass of the mass of the sun. In most of these stars, what a giant nor dwarf. swollen or waved stars compared to the Sun is probably the most advanced stages of evolution of stars.

Here is a model: the surface temperature of stars against the radiation power of the majority of stars in the graphic on a straight line is called the main branch. This chart is so important to astronomers, and indispensable, that there is even a special name: Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris RusselFin izafeten name in this diagram, the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram called. As the temperature increases the powers of the stars shine on the main arm.

All the main branch of the hydrogen-burning stars of different masses, although they interpreted as a location. A very long time elapses before they run out of hydrogen. For example, this time 10000000000 years of the sun. For this reason, hydrogen-burning stars in the main branch where all the little changes until they are exhausted of hydrogen. The sun is a yellow star on the main arm. Not long, if only 10 parsecs away from us he would be unlikely to be seen with the naked eye as a point of light.

In addition, the stars are far away from the main arm. Radiation power of these stars are extreme values, is too small or too large. Accordingly, as a dwarf or giant stars classified. Red giant and blue giant, red dwarfs and white dwarfs. Doomed to a huge helium lights a star like the sun. Only 100 million years or a little more time, this period of relatively short-lived, red giant stars of the main arm than the rare stars. White dwarf, a star to spend all the type of fuel completing the final phase of the sun.

Expansion of the universe

In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble, the Mount Wilson Observatory 100-inch telescope with the help of a new, a few mist (fog), the change of the stars, led to the nature of the subject of heated debates in astronomy circles, that the scattered points. Similar to a class of stars called Cepheids in his characteristic for the discovery of variable stars that have a pattern devrimyaratmıştır.

Astronomers previously a member of the Harvard College Observatory, a working woman, Henrietta Levitt, and the brightness of a Cepheid Yıldız these times showed a correlation between the intensive. Therefore, the Hubble, by measuring the duration of these stars and the rivers, this is nebulaların own galaxy is not in the clouds, but the external galaxies far beyond our own galaxy, the gösterebilmişti coast.

Hubble's second revolutionary discovery, measured on its provisions Sefeid'e galaxy distance and the relative velocities of galaxies located in this plan. Showed that more distant galaxies are removed faster from us: The universe is not static but expanding. This discovery has set at the beginning of the era of modern cosmology.

Today, Cepheid variables, the best method to measure the distance to galaxies, and they remained very important in determining the expansion rate and age of the universe.

What is a Cepheid variable?

Change of the sun and Cepheids, is including the structure of all the stars yıldızdaki matter opacity (the opacity) is determined by. If the substance is very donuksa, it is a long time, the breakup of photons outward from the center of the stars make warm and powerful in developing the star, the temperature and pressure gradients.

If the matter is almost transparent, then photons move easily in any temperature curve of the star cleared. Cepheids, published the two-state: stars, dense state of the atmosphere in a single layer başınaiyonlaşır helium. Photons, electrons from ionized helium atoms alone saçılırlar, so many faces, and layer upon layer consists of large temperature and pressure gradients.

This is a great pressure, the layer (and all the stars) sebepolur expansion. Stars, expanded state of the doubly ionized helium in the layer, so that the layer is transparent to radiation and weaker pressure gradient across the layer. be star of the slope of the pressure support against gravity, without the layer, and (all stars) the contracts and the star again compressed.

Cepheid variable stars have masses between five to twenty solar mass. More massive stars have more and more extended parlaktırlar coatings. On more than an enlarged and that the kaplamlarındaki is low, the layer thickness that is proportional to the square root of the longer variability.

Difficulties in using Cepheids

With the help of Cepheids as distance indicators are also a number of difficulties Until recently, astronomers, photo plates used to measure the fluxes of stars. Stereotypes, was not linear, and often very inaccurate measurement of the flow was obvious.

Massive stars, the short-lived, since they are always near their dusty places of birth. Most of the blue wavelengths, has been particularly evident removed and, if properly düzeltilemezse dust absorbs light, the dust absorption can be seen in incorrect brightness.

As a result of the Cepheids in distant galaxies, space is very difficult to understand: the earth varies atmosphere makes it impossible galaksilerinin to distinguish the light emitted by these stars, the most important.

Cepheids, which has been more for the use of distance markers on the challenge of the problem of determining the distance to a nearby Cepheid model. In recent years, astronomers have two of the Large Magellanic Cloud galaksilerinden own Milky Way satellite (LMC) and Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) in the determination of distances, have developed some very reliable and independent method. LMC and SMC Cepheids, because they contain a large number, they can be used to calibrate the distance scale.

Recent Developments

Recent technological progress allows astronomers to overcome the many other past difficulties. CCD (Charge Coupled Devices), described the new detectors, the flux measurements have made it possible. These new detectors at the same time sensitive to infrared wavelengths. Dust is much more transparent at these wavelengths. Measuring fluxes at multiple wavelengths, astronomers, and much more accurate distance determination yapabilmişlerdir correct for the effects of dust.

This is progress, include "local group of galaxies, a detailed study of the diagnosis. Astronomers, both metal-rich Cepheids in the inner region of M31 (Andromeda) and outside the region observed a weak metal. In this study, shown as a sensitive chemical properties of Cepheids, that the amounts due.

Despite these advances, astronomers, the Earth's atmosphere only ölçebilmişlerdir distances to the nearest galaxies limited. Depends depends on the action next expansion of the universe, galaxies, of the neighbors of the mass gravity "relative movement" have. This is due to abnormal movements, astronomers, the Hubble Sabiti'ni measurements to determine the distances to distant galaxies, is needed.

Trying to get deeper into the universe evolved, a new technique astronomers a number of galaxies to determine the relative distances: the independent relative distance scales are currently more than 10 have agreed the best. For example, a spiral galaxy rotation speed and the brightness of the Tully-Fisher relation between the so-called, has a very close relationship.

Astronomers at the same time adopted by the combustion of explosives, that is a white dwarf, they all have found almost the same peak brightness of type Ia Süpernovası'nı. But accurate measurements of distances without large number of prototypes galaxies, astronomers ayarlayamazlardı the relative distance measurements. Therefore, the Hubble Sabiti'nin is unable to make accurate determinations.

In recent decades, what astronomers with different data sets for the Hubble constant of 50 km / sec / Mpc to 100 km / s / Mpc reported values. Fix this difference corresponds to an uncertainty factor of 2, one of the most important problems in observational Universe Bilim'deki is striking.

Is the universe eternal?

". Some say the world on fire end, some in the ice," Just think, Robert Frost, poetry, two possible fate of the earth than scientists of the universe, the universe, the latest call to be two:

Infinite Expansion
Great Compression
The origin of the universe expansion and gravitational force between the momentum of a determined savaşımla. Mass gravity, depending on the density of the universe, while the expansion rate of the Hubble constant, H0, is determined by. Density of the universe, the Hubble constant that is proportional to the square of the "critical density" is less defined, then the universe forever genleşecektir. Density of the universe "critical density" is greater than the gravitational force at the end of this time and the universe to gain collapse into itself.

Geometry of the universe

Density of the universe determines its geometry. Density exceeds the critical density of the universe, then turns off and the geometry of a spherical surface, prevents positive uzay. This is a point at the end of the photon paths are moving slowly away and comes back that means. Density of the universe is smaller than the critical density, so it is open, and a saddle-like surface geometry uzay rejects negative.

Exactly equal to the critical density if the density of the universe, then the geometry of the universe flat like a sheet of paper. Therefore, it is a direct correlation between the geometry of the universe and destiny.

What is an extension of the theory of Big Bang theory is the simplest version of the Şişirilme, the density of the universe is close very close to the critical density and geometry of the universe is flat like a sheet of paper estimates.

Depth measurements MAP'tan

MAP satellite, the geometry of the universe, including the Big Bang theory focuses on the essential parameters to measure. If the universe is open, then the fluctuations in the cosmic background radiation, the largest on the half-degree scale. If the universe is flat, the fluctuations are the largest online scale.

If the universe is closed, most even in a larger scale fluctuations. Therefore measure the fluctuation scale of MAPs, the density of the universe and the universe, scientists explore the universe, the final end of the inner face is showing.

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