28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi

Space, the universe and the world

World, all three cases of water - solid (ice), liquid (river, sea, etc.) and gas (clouds) as the only planet in the Milky Way.

+ The age of the Earth are calculated as about 5 billion years, living alone in the world of the last 150-200000000 annually. In other words, "Life," The world of his life alone, 5% - 10%.

+ Antarktida, the world's driest, highest and coldest continent.

+ The world's largest desert in the Sahara, almost 9 million km2'siyle the size of the United States.

+ Solar radiation reaches the earth in 8 minutes, 3 seconds.

+ 511 million kilometers from dry surface of the earth of the place.

+ World dry surface only 11% of being used for agriculture.

+ Earth's surface is covered with 71% of the water.

+ World of fresh water, 70% are available as a glacier.

+ World water reserves are only 3% tatlısudur, the remaining 97% salty. These 3% 's, 2% of the North and South Poles of the glacier, and only 1% of the lakes, rivers and groundwater is the kullanımımıza.

+ The world's largest waterfall, a cascade of 979 Angel Venezuela mistress.

+ Asian continent and the world's population covers 30% of the world population of 60% of the host.

+ 13 September 1922 in Lebanon - al-Aziz, the world's highest temperature - 57.8.

+ Salt lake is the world's lowest point to the Dead Sea - 418 m below sea level.

+ On the surface of the earth away to merkezina about 6378 meters.

Rate of + 41 ‰ salinity increased, the world's salty Dead Lake.

+ World's Great Cave, Maleziya'daki Sarauak chamber 701M long, 400m wide, 70m yüksekliğiile 7500 with the area enough to park the bus.

+ Due to the gravity of the moon is full tartılırsanız to you now easier.

+ Surface 1 / 10 is always under the ice and the ice, 90% Antarktida continent.

+ The world's longest river - 6825 km - the Nile.

+ The world's largest lake - the Caspian Sea - 371 000 km2.

+ World's most dangerous animal we know a simple fly. Each animal carries more germs and disease.

+ World's fastest flying bird, Falcon Peregrine - the highest recorded speed of 390 km / h.

+ Human Arm hole made by the peninsula's largest - opened in Russia - 12 262m.

An average fall of 2.59 children per woman + Yeryüzünda.

+ Pregnancy and birth as a result of loss of life in Africa, 1 / 16, Asia 1 / 65 Europe, 1 / 1400 'Roll.

+ The last 40 years world population of 3.1 billion euros.

+ Earth there are about 4,000 species of minerals, but only 200 of its fundamental importance.

+ Worldwide exported 1.5 billion liters of water daily.

+ 500 years for aluminum to be dissolved.

+ English is the second most spoken language in the world (512 million), the first Chinese-Mandarin fazlayla 1.5 billion euros.

+ 500 years for plastic also has to be dissolved.

+ Each year more than 500 000 female births / pregnancy komplikasiyonu die as a result of (a minute).

+ World, the name of God is not the only planet in the Milky Way.

Milky Way + the most intense planet Mercury and the world.

+ Dünme constantly decreasing rate of the earth on its axis, will consist of 27 hours a day, after years of millions.

+ 7 500 degrees hotter than the surface of the Earth's core Sun

+ Drugs today won about 1 / 4 of plants in the rain forests.

The blood of some fish live in the transparent waters of + Antarktida.

+ The name of Argentina's "Silver" means, but silver has never been found in Argentina.

+ In Nepal occupy approximately 5,000 species of butterfly wings reached Atlas moth open 25cm

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