Space, the name for the rest of the universe outside the Earth's atmosphere. Space and boundaries are not always accurate uzay never grow up. There is a clear boundary between atmosphere and space, but the Earth's atmosphere becomes thinner growing up. There are millions of galaxies in space. This is in galaxies millions of solar systems, planets and celestial stones.
Space since ancient times, the attention of people, not the end, if any, to the borders, where the scholars and philosophers ilgilendirmiştir closely. Gökcisimlerinin in space in the investigation of the behavior of these movements, provided the other gökcisimlerinin dissemination of ideas disposed of some, albeit very little about the room. Over the centuries people stronger telescopes, space, information on the review space have increased. Flying objects around the Earth near the origin of information about space began to bring the people. Finally manned powerful missiles, artificial satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles or on the moon within the solar system to the development of satellites, very strong radyoteleskoplarla depths of space research, 20 travel considerably their knowledge extended over space in the second half century of humanity. Meanwhile, the revolution in theoretical physics and astronomy are excited to bring ideas on how Einstein put forward by scientists in many theories about space, space observers found on the publication of their results in a logical manner. The first solid information on Space, 19 By the end of the 20th Century, the beginning of the century, thanks mainly observatories were in the northern countries. Palomar Observatory in California, the biggest observatories in the world is available. The telescope mirror diameter of 5 meters, 40 meters high. These observatories in space gökcisimlerinin mass, volume, brightness and so on. examined. Applied Physics developed spectrum (spectrum) analysis, the lightning from space, which positions the elements formed. 1932 KG Jansky accidentally finds an engineer named radio broadcasts from space, the depths of space to relax and radyoteleskopların rise in later years, they locate the causes and sources of radio broadcasts. II developed during the Second World War the German V-1 and V-2 rockets for the later years of space exploration was an important step in the study. Between the years 1947-1956, particularly the U.S., the working surface has great speed. None of the attempts of the space could put a probe into orbit. In the meantime, the Soviet Union in 1957 with a three-stage rocket Vostok "Sputnik" satellite in the name of the first to bring the spacecraft into orbit around the world race went on. On the information obtained from satellites, space, living things, especially people in the room, so that the conditions should be met showed live. Thus was born and developed in aviation and space medicine. In the first man in space to 12 April 1961 from the USSR in space was Yuri Gagarin. In the meantime, the people that space settlement, space, space, monitor offer, situated on-orbit satellite communications equipment to ensure the thousands of space or cavity, is started. Finally, in July 1969 by the conquest of the American astronauts on the moon, space studies, was one of the most important steps. Today, the space race a big step.
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